
Friday, June 17, 2011


Well I started a post about drawing women this morning, but somehow it went haywire and took on a life of its own. Now, I start again.

I absolutely love drawing women, clothed, unclothed, it doesn't mater, I just like drawing them. I love taking a blank sheet of paper and giving it sex appeal.

Although there's things I don't like about this drawing, the way the lighting on the back came out saves this picture for me. I do little studies like this from time to time, I'll come across a photo that has good lighting or something and just decide, screw it, I'm drawing a naked chick.

I came across a photo of Sasha Gray a couple of years ago and had to draw it.

I had to draw that hair, that was the main thing for me in the photo and it was my reason for doing this drawing. I wish I had put more work into the rest of the drawing, mainly her face, it vaguely looks like Sasha Gray, but I could have done better.

Sometimes I like to combine my two favorite things to draw, monsters and women, but I always try to keep up the sex appeal.

If you stick around here long enough you will quickly find that I have issues with pretty much every drawing I turn out, so, just like most of them, I see some problems with this drawing. Thankfully, my wife has finally convinced me that most people can't see the defects that I see and to stop pointing them out, so I may say that I see issues with a pic but I'm not going to point them out.

I like this drawing, I had fun drawing it and I think it's cute.

My wife hates it, she thinks it's boring. It's simple, bit I like it.

Obviously I like coupling women with tentacles, eh, that's what you get from someone who reads too much Lovecraft.

This looks a lot better in its original size. Reducing the size really blurs out the details, especially on the tentacles, but that's the curse of the internet.

I think we'll wrap things up with a demon girl, or, as they've come to be called in my house, a naked demon chick.

This is my wife, well, I used a photo of my wife as the reference for this piece. My wife doesn't think it looks like her. I disagree, I think it's a very good likeness. I'll admit it's not perfect, admittedly the eyes are probably too large, but besides that, it looks just like her.

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